How old is Miyoko Schinner? When is Miyoko Schinner's birthday? Where is Miyoko Schinner born? Where did Miyoko Schinner grow up from? What's Miyoko Schinner's age?
Miyoko Schinner Born: September 22, 1957 (age 65years), Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
Is Miyoko Schinner married? When did Miyoko Schinner get married? Who's Miyoko Schinner's married to? (Who's Miyoko Schinner's husband / wife)?
Miyoko Schinner Spouse: Michael Schinner
What happened with Miyoko Schinner?
While Schinner was removed from her post in June 2022, news that she was no longer CEO did not become public until February 2023, when the company issued a press release announcing an 'executive transition. '
Why was Miyoko stripped of CEO?
The complaint alleges that the Miyoko's Creamery board wanted to keep Schinner as CEO because she founded the company. However, the complaint continued, Schinner had not met performance and financial targets and expectations set by the board, which voted unanimously to remove her from her position.
Who owns Miyokos Creamery?
Miyoko's Creamery, formerly Miyoko's Kitchen, is an American food producer founded by Miyoko Schinner in 2014.
Where is Miyoko Schinner from?
Schinner was born in the 1950s, in a town outside of Tokyo, Japan as Miyoko Nishimoto. She left Japan and moved to the United States when she was seven. Schinner and her family settled in Marin County, specifically in Mill Valley, California.