Shot (2001) - Roger Roth | Synopsis, Characteristics, Moods, Themes and Related

July 2024 ยท 2 minute read

Shot (2001)

Run Time - 97 min.  |   Countries - United States  |   MPAA Rating - R

Synopsis by Mark Deming

Two unlikely friends help to transform each other's lives through art in this independent drama. Robert (Brandon Karrer) is an aspiring photographer working at a photo supply store who is trying to put his life back together after the unexpected death of his best friend. As Robert's girlfriend Sidney (Jennifer Joslyn) tries to help him through this rough patch in his life, on the other side of town a boy named Marcus (Gary Leroi Gray) is falling into a life of crime under the influence of his older brother Keith (Trent Cameron), who runs with a notorious street gang. Marcus picks up an old camera one day, and when Robert happens into his neighborhood by accident, he bumps into the boy and they have a conversation about photography. Robert begins bringing his own camera along as he visits Marcus, finding a powerful and inspiring subject in the decay of the inner city. He urges Marcus to use his art as a way out of the ghetto and a dead-end life, though Keith and his friends hardly welcome Robert as he tries to work his way into Marcus' life. Focus was the first feature film from writer and director Roger Roth.



brother, ghetto, girlfriend, photographer, street-gang
