'Destiny 2' Ascendant Challenge April 9 Guide - Location, Find Toland & Lore

August 2024 · 3 minute read

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Destiny 2 has another Ascendant Challenge for the week of April 9 following the latest Weekly Reset. We'll explain where to find and how to complete the Gardens of Esila Ascendant Challenge. We'll also reveal all locations for lore and Toland.

Where is Destiny 2's April 9 Ascendant Challenge Located?

In the Dreaming City, head to the Gardens of Esila as shown on the map below. Go through Devalian Mists and take a right towards The Strand. Take another right from there, and you'll come to the Gardens of Esila.

Provided you've popped some Tincture of Queensfoil earned by doing activities around the Dreaming City, you'll eventually see this portal.

Completing the April 9 Ascendant Challenge

Once inside the portal you'll notice three waypoints directing you toward orb locations. To complete the challenge, just dunk the three orbs in the center of the arena. Once you do, your final task is to clean out the rest of the enemies and claim your reward.

Possible foes include:

It's possible to ignore these enemies at first, but you should use Tether to hold off the chase for as long as you can.

When you come to this orb towards the top, jump down to your left to find Toland.

After placing the orbs you begin the clear out phase. The dunk spot in the middle of the arena turns into a Super well, so just keep blasting until everything is gone. If teammates die, wait for everyone to respawn before claiming the chest.

Lore & Toland Locations for April 9

Egg 1 : From the exit portal, take the path to the right which takes you up. From there you'll see this egg.

Egg 2 : Near the central portal look for the large stacks of pillars like this. You'll pass through two similar structures, Just after the second one, look to the left and you'll see an egg off to the side in the distance.

Ahamkara Bone : Go all the way back up to the path you went for Egg 1 and pass behind the spawn portal to reach this juncture.

When you do, jump to the rock platform to the left of the door. At the edge of that platform, look down and you may see the glowing bone. Jump down there to get it.

That's all there is to know about Destiny 2's latest Ascendant Challenge.

Destiny 2 is available now on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Were you able to complete this week's Ascendant Challenge and find Toland? Tell us in the comments section!

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