Synopsis An elderly Southern widow, Mattie Rigsbee (Ellen Burstyn), begrudgingly starts to acknowledge that she can't live on her own. When Mattie becomes friends with the town dogcatcher, Lamar Benfield (Mark Hamill), she is also introduced to his orphaned nephew, Wesley (Jonathan Taylor Thomas). Although Wesley has been in trouble with the law and incarcerated for auto theft, Mattie sees potential in the boy and tries to point him in the right direction by allowing him to live with her.
Director Arthur Allan Seidelman
Screenwriter Clyde Edgerton, Paul Tamasy
Production Co Mitchum Entertainment
Rating PG-13 (Language|Some Violence)
Genre Drama
Original Language English
Release Date (Theaters) Dec 17, 1999, Original
Release Date (DVD) May 31, 2005
Runtime 1h 50m
Sound Mix Dolby